Monday, February 9, 2009

Florist va beach

dahrieh flower - rosas.jpg

Form with five side, that presented the star shaped. And this purple colour Flower, also has the unique thing, in the middle, has something like the frozen ice...

flowers - flowers.jpg

When all has been taken away from you, just as it happened repeated times to the people of Kampuchea, then a human starts to remember the true values of life. True values have nothing to do with economy nor with high tech or industrialization. True v alues are proportional to a most direct human to human relationship on the basis of mutual love and mutual care for each other.
Care for each other results in care for an entire culture and beyond. Simple life focused on the essential part of true innermost human nature is sweet - infinitely sweeter than technology and money oriented life.
A lotus flower may show best the beauty that can arise out of most difficult conditions of life. Most western countries could learn a lot from cultures based on love and mutual care for each other.
In album Lotus flower photo - Lotus blossom images - Lotus pond photos


beetography's photo
One of my highlights at this year's show has been the 'Art in the Garden'. As you wander around the showground you come across a variety of work from fibreglass cows to steel, pine and charcoal sculptures, as well as more traditional artwork, using willow and oak. moorcroft.jpgNot to be outdone however, many garden designers have used art in their show gardens. The Moorcroft Natural Woman Garden incorporates a handcrafted Moorcroft tile featuring the garden's plants, bees and butterflies. There's even more artwork from designers who are showcasing their work here. leaping_hare.jpgOne of my favourites is by an artist who has created leaping hares from twisted, plastic-coated wire - he's really managed to inject movement into his pieces. I'd love to take one home but I can't afford the price tag.
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